Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

Absolutely, with a properly trained healer! People who choose to offer Akashic Records energy healings are trained.  The sessions incorporate your Higher Self.  Your Higher Self is aware of every aspect of your soul.  A credible energy healer first seeks permission from someone, then communicates with the Higher Self and Akashic Records combined to address the issue (s) presented for healing.  There are several Guardians of the Akashic Realm.  These Guardians communicate with the professional reader and the individual’s Higher Self.  The level or depth of the clearings and healings is directly attributed to the client’s desires and abilities to handle the work.  The Higher Self understands how much healing can be done per session and works with the Spirit Team of the professional reader and the Akashic Guardians to ensure the reading is suited to the individual, their needs, and abilities to process the energy.

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Yes, Akashic records readings are safe and I would recommend going into your records with a trained professional guide. I experienced  a new akashic reader attempt to do a "group akashic reading" years ago that brought a handful of attendees into very challenging lives (and deaths). I wouldn't suggest a group reading like this. I suspect the reason this question was asked about safety is due to unreputable readers that aren't trained to create the context, content, and healing experience an akashic records reader is supposed to do.

Whenever I go in on behalf of a readee, I always ask to see the most helpful past life for the person I'm guiding in now. I ask that the only lives we enter into are the ones that the readee are ready to see and understand the lesson of that life and heal and release it. I'd like to add that I prefer to go in to help the readee understand a significant relationship, or an unfounded fear, an attraction or repulsion to an area or anything puzzling and/or challenging and what are the karmic lessons. My favorite is going in to discover the readee's soul blueprint and general life purpose.

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

Absolutely!  An Akashic Record reading is merely someone looking into YOUR record with an intention that you set forth.  

I work with my specific Akashic Record Guides and they give me what the person needs to know at this moment in time that will help them move forward toward the peace, love, joy and abundance we all came here to experience.  It’s my intention in all the work that I do and because this is sacred work the Universe upholds intention for us.

All practitioners bring their unique way of using the records into any reading.  Once someone is given permission to look at your record, your guides will protect you all the way through, just as they do in every day life.  Remember, intention is everything and you are the one in control of that so no need for you to worry about your safety when doing an Akashic Record Reading.

Prior to any healing work, set the intention that it be for yours and everyone’s Highest Best Good and that’s exactly what you will find!

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