Akashic Records - Are Akashic Readings safe?

Absolutely!  An Akashic Record reading is merely someone looking into YOUR record with an intention that you set forth.  

I work with my specific Akashic Record Guides and they give me what the person needs to know at this moment in time that will help them move forward toward the peace, love, joy and abundance we all came here to experience.  It’s my intention in all the work that I do and because this is sacred work the Universe upholds intention for us.

All practitioners bring their unique way of using the records into any reading.  Once someone is given permission to look at your record, your guides will protect you all the way through, just as they do in every day life.  Remember, intention is everything and you are the one in control of that so no need for you to worry about your safety when doing an Akashic Record Reading.

Prior to any healing work, set the intention that it be for yours and everyone’s Highest Best Good and that’s exactly what you will find!

Akashic Records