Akashic Records - Are Akashic Readings safe?

Absolutely, with a properly trained healer! People who choose to offer Akashic Records energy healings are trained.  The sessions incorporate your Higher Self.  Your Higher Self is aware of every aspect of your soul.  A credible energy healer first seeks permission from someone, then communicates with the Higher Self and Akashic Records combined to address the issue (s) presented for healing.  There are several Guardians of the Akashic Realm.  These Guardians communicate with the professional reader and the individual’s Higher Self.  The level or depth of the clearings and healings is directly attributed to the client’s desires and abilities to handle the work.  The Higher Self understands how much healing can be done per session and works with the Spirit Team of the professional reader and the Akashic Guardians to ensure the reading is suited to the individual, their needs, and abilities to process the energy.

Akashic Records