
The akashic records are a cataloguing of your soul's entire journey from your soul's birth to the never-ending-ness of it.

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

Because the Akashic Records are a non-physical plane of existence accessible through spiritual means such as meditation, dreams, or honed psychic abilities, they don’t “come from” anywhere per se. 

My first knowledge of them was from A.R.E. where mystic Edgar Cayce explained that every action, thought, desire or deed creates a vibration that marks the thread of space and time and is permanently associated with the individual (soul) responsible. 

Since they are considered a “metaphysical concept” that suggests the Akashic Records as a source of information as an ethereal library containing the collective knowledge and experiences of all beings throughout time… think of them as the energetic place where all knowledge and experiences lie. 

That would mean they come from knowledge and experiences throughout time. 

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

Much like radio and microwaves, the Records are always all around us.  Intuitively, the Records are accessed in much the same way as radio waves.  When searching for a radio station, if you are nearly connected, some music or words are available, yet static plays a roll.  Being deeply grounded and centered increases my intuitive abilities, thereby allowing me to fine tune my channel.  This brings clarity into sessions as the Akashic Records are any and everywhere.

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