
The Akashic records have been introduced or in most spiritual or religious practices. The word "Akasha" is Sanskrit meaning sky, space or ether and it entered the lexicon through HP Blavatsky's Theosophy organization. She referred to it as indestructible tablets of the astral light.  Every sacred holy text refers to the Akasha in different terms. The Christians refers to the akashic records in the bible's "The book of Life."  Islam's Qur'an 85:22 referred to as Al-lawh al-mahfooz or the preserved tablet of truth, protected by a higher order of angels. The akashic records are included in the religious text of the Torah (Exodus) for Judism.  Hinduism and the Vedas was considered the first text to discuss the existence of the Akashic records.  All major religions have noted the Akasha or the records as a way to help mankind heal and learn to unconditionally love oneself.  

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

I don’t know of a particular person that is attributed to discovering the Akashic Records.  Since it is a “field of consciousness” it always has been and will be there.

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

This information was not covered during my training.  I have researched this to appease my own curiosity!  My take on this discovery is that many different cultures and locations were gifted this information at various times.  I believe that as a location or culture began vibrating into healing, individuals were bestowed this information to enhance their ability to heal, a gift of remembrance of their connection to the Records!  As they healed themselves, they began training others in the modality.  I have found ‘roots’ in India, Tibetan Monks, Buddhism, and whales.  Whales are powerful record keepers!  Any connected deeply to water and/or sea life can and have accessed the Records, no matter the label attached.

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