Practitioner FAQ

FAQs for healers, psychics and energy workers

Once I’ve signed up as a member of FindMagicPeople, how do I get started? 

The first step is to fill out the required sections of the online Profile form and get listed as a practitioner. Refer to our Practitioner’s Guide to FindMagicPeople  for step-by-step illustrated instructions on how to set up a Profile, Offerings, and events.        

Do I need to complete the entire Profile form as soon as I sign up?

No, you don’t need to fill in every field on the form. The form has optional fields to allow practitioners different ways to describe themselves and their services and to engage prospective customers. Content details can be added—or changed—at any time, but there is some basic information we need to publish your profile for public view. 

What minimum Profile information is required for me to be added as a practitioner on FindMagicPeople? 

Your Profile can be made public when you enter—and Save—information in these fields:

  • Display Name (Your personal or your “doing business as” name)
  • Banner Image (The digital image file to be used as the background graphic behind your name and profile image. If you don’t have a graphic image that you use, see the Practitioner’s Guide to FindMagicPeople for suggestions.)
  • Profile Image (The profile pic doesn't have to be a portrait. It can be a concept image, but it can't be the default silhouette. You can be as private as you want.)
  • First and Last Name (These are for internal use and are not publicly displayed.)
  • Bio/Self Introduction (Can be as brief or as long as you like.)

What if I'm not good at talking about myself?

Profiles and offerings don't have to be promotional. Many practitioners use simple, straightforward statements that cover the important points: “This is what I do. This is how it’s done. This is what I charge.”

General guidelines for the Bio/Self-Introduction section:

  • Consider the main points you want to make and what your audience will want to know. 
  • Just start writing… you can rearrange and edit after your get some words in front of you to get the juices flowing. Aim for a couple of concise paragraphs. 
  • While it may feel awkward, it is best to write about yourself in the third person. Start the first sentence with your name and state what you do using terms by which your professional work is regularly known. 
  • Describe any relevant background, training, and experience.
  • Describe special features, benefits, methods, options.
  • Describe costs for services, or describe them in separate Offerings, as appropriate. 

Which Profile information is optional? 

Entering content in these fields is optional, but definitely helpful. 

  • Keywords and Skills/Expertise (These are optional but very important. They enable you to show up in search results and help people understand what you can do for them.)
  • Demographic Information (Your phone number and address help people connect with you.)  
  • Images, Videos, Website, and Social Media sites (Use these for additional promotion and interaction with your prospective customers.)

Is it time consuming to fill out my profile?

Most members can fill out an online Profile form with a slight rewrite of information they already have—and it can be done in around 10 minutes. If you haven’t prepared any descriptive material on your services, it may take more time, but it will be worth the effort since it will help you clarify your message to customers. 

Can I change my FindMagicPeople information?

Definitely, Yes… and it's a great idea to do so from time to time. You have full control over your Profile, Offerings, and Events.

Does FindMagicPeople help or take part in transactions?

 No, we want to stay out of the pricing and transaction process. That's between you and your customers.

Do I need a website? Do I need a website first?

You do not—you can focus on your professional services. One of the best reasons to join FindMagicPeople is to have a better alternative than creating, designing, promoting, and maintaining your own website. If you do have a website, FMP can reference it and bring in online traffic.

Do I need a Social Media Presence?

That's up to you. It can have value, absolutely, especially for cross-promotion, but it is not required.

If you have the interest and want to develop the skills to be effective on social media it can be very valuable. But if you don't have the skills or interest, your time could be better spent with developing your existing contacts.