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Sound Healing

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Sound Healing

Also known as

Sound Therapy – Sound Bath

and Sound Meditation

What is Sound Healing or Therapy? 

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Sound Healing or Therapy is a method of using selected sound vibrations that create resonance for a specific physical and spiritual effect. It may be used for overall relaxation or to address specific physical or emotion conditions. 

Sound therapy can be as simple as repeating an OM mantra during meditation, or as immersive as a sound bath of pulsing chakra tones and deep gongs (OMG!). It is often used along with other spiritual practices such reiki and meditation. 

What instruments are used in Sound Therapy? 

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The Instruments of Sound TherapyMany devices are used to create sound vibrations, depending on the purpose and circumstances, including percussion instruments (such as drums, cymbals, or gongs),  stringed instruments (such as harps or guitars), vibrating vessels (metal or crystal bowls), and electronic instruments (synthesizers or sound machines). 

How does Sound Healing Work? 

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How Does Sound Healing Work?The universe is composed of energy forms that are always in a state of vibration. All living beings also composed of vibrational energy—from our cells to our brain waves. When there is stress, illness, or other discord in these vibrations,  the body and mind can be healed by tuning into proper frequencies. Just as the words of a language communicate information, the vibrations of sounds communicate sensory feelings or emotion. These energy vibrations exist in specific frequencies that are shared and experienced. 

Like a tuning fork for instruments, sound therapy creates resonance in living beings with the positive spiritual vibrations of metaphysical energy, bringing a state of health and harmonious well-being. 

What can I expect from a Sound Therapy Session? 

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Ideally, you will rest comfortably in a pleasant room while soothing tones relax you and then stronger frequencies resonate through you to create balance in your body and energize your spirit. Sound therapy can be conducted individually or in groups.

For an in-person session, you will lay down on a cushioned pad or a yoga mat, gently cover your eyes with a smooth cloth, relax, and let the sounds surround and carry you away. The therapist may use vocal instruction, mantras, or affirmations. Depending on the type of instrument and purpose of the therapy, the vibrations may be strong enough to sense them physically.

There are different methods and types of distant or remote sound therapy available. Review offerings from practitioners to see available options and feel free to contact them for more information. 

What are the benefits of Sound Healing?

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The Benefits of Sound TherapyAt minimum sound therapy will relax and refresh you. During the time you focus attention on the sounds, you may easily slip into a state of meditation and then emerge with a greater sense of well-being. You may experience insight or inspiration. Other likely outcomes are a relief from anxiety, depression, fear, and pain. You will probably have a greater sense of purpose and a higher level of energy.

What is the origin of sound healing? 

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Every human culture has developed its own sounds or music for spiritual and healing purposes. Consider the drum or rattles of shamans, the  chants and of Christian monks, the Tibetan singing prayer bowls. The history of sound healing is ancient, yet the practice has become verified and refined by modern physics, neuroscience, and technology. Researchers have demonstrated how brain wave patterns are affected by specific vibration frequencies. A common pattern,  known as Solfeggio frequencies, have also been associated with spiritual energy chakras in the body. 

What are healing sound (Solfeggio) frequencies? 

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Sound Healing FrequencyHealing therapists use sounds with specific hertz frequencies that are selected for the desired effect for use during sessions. Audio media that is professionally produced for the purpose of mediation and healing therapy will designate the hertz frequencies used.  Depending on purpose and available time, an individual healing session may use one or two key frequencies for specific effects, or may start with the first level (174 Hertz)  and continue in sequence to the highest vibration level (963 Hertz). 

Solfeggio Sound Frequencies for Meditation and Sound Therapy


Experiential Effect


174 Hertz

Relaxes. Relieves pain and tension.Meditative State
285 HertzAdjusts energy related to survival and safety.Source energy
396 HertzReleases fear and guilt. Relieves trauma.Root Chakra, Color Red
417 HertzDissipates past influences Facilitates change.Sacral Chakra, Color Orange
432 HertzHeals sickness and disease.Nature’s miracle tone.
528 HertzStimulates Love. Repairs DNA.Solar Plexus Chakra, Color Yellow
639 HertzHeals personal and family relationships.Heart Chakra, Color Green
741 HertzSolves problems with intuition and metaphysical awarenessThroat Chakra, Color Blue
852 HertzAligns and harmonizes with universal consciousness.Third Eye Chakra, Color Indigo
963 HertzAwakens to oneness of universal spirit.Crown Chakra, Bright Light

How does Sound Therapy relate to Music? 

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How does sound therapy relate to Music?Most people recognize how sound in the form of music affects our moods. Music can be uplifting, relaxing, and animating for work, dancing, or romance. The soundtrack of action or mystery movies create anticipation, anxiety, or tension. While different from Sound Therapy, music also can have a therapeutic effect. Some musicians have applied the neuroscience of music and created music specifically labeled for relaxation, creativity, productivity, and other desirable states of spiritual. Some classical music is known for its relaxing or stimulation effect (also known as the “Mozart Effect”).

Where can I learn about Sound Healing options? 

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Sound Healing OptionsLook through the events, venues, and offerings on the Find Magic People platform and feel free to contact any practitioner for information and recommendations. If you are interested in self-directed therapy, you may want to consider prayer bowls, incense, for other products that will enhance your meditative environment.