Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

The Akashic Records is a field of consciousness that can be reached through a meditative or altered state of consciousness so that you leave your logical mind “on the back burner” and allow this different state of consciousness.  

In general, you want to create a sacred space, set an intention and relax and get centered.  You enter the Records after using a specific prayer and visualization.  There are also specific Guides. Initially, you want to “attune” yourself to the records so that you know what to expect and meet not just the Akashic Record Guides, but your personal ones for this specific journey. 

Accessing the Akashic Records can take time and practice. Some people connect easily, while others may need to work through blocks or doubts before fully accessing them. With regular practice, this connection often becomes stronger and more fluid. I recommend seeking guidance from a trained Akashic reader or healer if you're new to this work.

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

My training included a prayer or poem to set the stage, if you will.  Using an intention to be of a clear heart and mind, allows the prayer or poem to guide entry into the Records.  It is truly a beautiful process to open someone’s Records for the purpose of healing.  Another intention is in place to offer a starting point for each session which precedes the transition phase into the Records for the Akashic Realm Guardians to being offering information to guide in the healing session.

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The first time I visited my Akashic records, I was led by a hypnotherapist. She and I flew over what looked like a railroad track and I was asked to keep watching for the first spot of light beaconing me in. When I dropped into the lighted palace, I was asked to simply witness with my emotions intact. I was directed to look at the scenery, look at my shoes and clothes, observe any buildings and determine from my feelings and my surroundings and where I was. I was asked to pay attention to the architecture, and who was with me, and what was happening. On my first visit, I found myself as a mayor of sorts, in a Chinese township. I was walking down a parade route and was being honored for my role as caretaker of the village. I remember feeling a little embarrassed to be receiving all the attention. I knew I had done nothing nor had I earned it. I knew I had been born and placed in my position. I felt humiliated at how much people were fawning over me when I hadn't offered anything of value to them all. I knew it was only because of my position of wealth in society. I felt it was only time before others realized I was just an entitled placeholder. I felt a strong desire to really make a difference where the celebration was something I was proud of having gained.

In my current life, I had been in a financial struggle and in admiration of the very wealthy and well-placed people who seemed to not have a worry in their lives at all. I had a much clearer understanding after witnessing this life that everyone carries a burden, and my responsibility was to offer something of value to others. My responsibility was to find my life purpose and offer it.

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