Akashic Records - Are Akashic Readings safe?

Yes, Akashic records readings are safe and I would recommend going into your records with a trained professional guide. I experienced  a new akashic reader attempt to do a "group akashic reading" years ago that brought a handful of attendees into very challenging lives (and deaths). I wouldn't suggest a group reading like this. I suspect the reason this question was asked about safety is due to unreputable readers that aren't trained to create the context, content, and healing experience an akashic records reader is supposed to do.

Whenever I go in on behalf of a readee, I always ask to see the most helpful past life for the person I'm guiding in now. I ask that the only lives we enter into are the ones that the readee are ready to see and understand the lesson of that life and heal and release it. I'd like to add that I prefer to go in to help the readee understand a significant relationship, or an unfounded fear, an attraction or repulsion to an area or anything puzzling and/or challenging and what are the karmic lessons. My favorite is going in to discover the readee's soul blueprint and general life purpose.

Akashic Records