Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

The Akashic Records are a field of consciousness so are not a physical location, but on a spiritual plane.  In essence, the Records are considered to be everywhere and nowhere, as they are part of a spiritual dimension that transcends the physical world.

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

The Akashic Records are everywhere.  Each thought, action, conversation, event comes from the Records.  They include everything from the past, present, and future.  Records are stored in nature, particularly whales, who are Record keepers.  They are stored in the breeze, in the sunshine, moon, and stars.  Mother Earth a steward, housing many Records.  Similar to radio waves, practitioners ‘dial in’ to find the information as we do for radio stations.  Static may indicate an area a client’s higher self knows they aren’t quite ready to receive.  Deeply embedded traumas may cause a ‘dead zone’ initially.

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The akashic records are kept in the akasha meaning the sky, the ether, or the atmosphere. I see them in a higher spiritual realm. I simply "will" myself there but I'm not sure I could give anyone directions or spiritual vector points to it.

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