How do I register on FindMagicPeople?

Registering with FindMagicPeople is free and easy. You can create a new account for free here. One you enter your information, you will need to confirm your email.

How is it beneficial for seekers -and- professionals?

There are thousands of people all over the planet offer a wide range of products and services. This has never been an easy way to explore or navigate what is available until now.

FindMagicPeople allows you to search people, offerings, products and events in several ways.

For practitioners it offers you many entry points for people to connect with you and what you offer.

What does it cost?

FindMagicPeople is a way to connect with practitioners and is free for the public. Each professional has their own pricing policy, and FMP does not broker nor charge a commission for any services.

There is  small fees for practitioners to promote themselves on this site. More details can be found on the benefits for professionals page.

How can one connect with professionals on FindMagicPeople?

Most practitioners have contact information as well as a page to send a message. In order to be able to message you need to register - which is free. This is to avoid spam, etc. You can also check out events and offerings, many of which provide ways to connect.