Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

I tend to use my own Akashic Records for guidance and understanding.  I’m a  huge proponent of self-improvement for both myself and others, and that can only happen when we are willing to go within and gain insight about ourselves. 

I’m always willing to look within and gain a greater in depth understanding of my whole being, mind/body/spirit.  As a practitioner, I believe it’s important to know the difference between my ego (little self) and my Divine Self so that I can set that ego mind aside when doing the work.  A healer must know beyond a shadow of a doubt THEY aren’t doing the healing, but merely facilitating. 

When I use the records for my own growth and understanding I find it becomes easier to “see” and “feel” what’s going on inside of me and use that understanding for healing and keeping myself on track. I like to journal about what I receive (in my own handwriting) because I find it is a more powerful way to instill the learning and understanding into my entire being. 

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

I use the Records and access them daily.  There are many ways to utilize them.  Doing meditation via the records offers insight that may otherwise be overlooked.  Asking questions with intention to receive guidance or clarity, the same way I do for clients/students, keeps me grounded, centered, and in control of my emotions.  This control allows me to respond, not react as was my previous pattern.  I offer myself clearings of emotions each morning and evening followed by healing of any emotions that lower my vibration.

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