
I would define the Akashic realm as the energy, the feelings, the knowing, smells, tastes, recognition of other soul family souls and scenery of a past life that becomes as real and deep knowing as the physical life you're participating in today.

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

It’s interesting that the term “Akaha” comes from the Sanskrit word for “ether” or “sky” symbolizing the foundation for Hindu or other esoteric philosophies.  The Akashic Ream is the higher dimension that contains the Akashic Records. 

This non-physical library stores the knowledge of your soul’s journey and allows insights into the soul’s purpose, past lives and karmic patterns that can help you understand and change your current reality. 

The Universe is filled with interconnections and subtle energies that happen on the daily, and these leave imprints we aren’t aware of.  Looking at these can help guide us toward the peace, love, joy and abundance we all came here to eventually experience! 

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

A Magical Universe!  Every moment in time is housed in the Akashic Realm.  All thoughts, emotions, and events, from all timelines, past lives, planets, and other dimensions fall under this umbrella.  This is the equivalent of the world wide web, all information is available, everything is connected.  Unlike the world wide web, the knowledge is accurate though each filter/practitioner will have a unique interpretation.  To successfully find the intelligence, proper terminology is needed for framing.  In the Akashic Realm, crafting intention with deliberation enhances the entire session allowing several paths for intelligent counsel. 

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