Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

Most anyone can benefit from learning through their Akashic Records.  Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to personal development!  “Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace” and this can only happen when you are willing to look at why certain things are being created in your life and what part you play in it.

We are all looking to experience the best life that we can and find happiness.  An Akashic Record reading is a good way to look at what your soul is ready to heal and bring your mind/body/soul into harmony. Your soul wants to expand and you can be a part of doing that with grace and ease if you are willing to take a look at what’s going on on a soul level.

If you are struggling in any area of your life then you need to look at what you need to shift (or change) in order to eliminate the struggle. We can’t look inside of ourselves to see what’s going on so we project it out into the world.  If you are seeing chaos outside of yourself, then you are dealing within chaos within. Looking into your soul’s history with the Akashic Records can give you a good idea as to what is going on and why.  When you know what you are dealing with, it becomes easier to change, because as long as you don’t know, it will continue until it gets your attention!

I’ve had clients change relationships with both people and money very rapidly once they knew and healed the inner cause. Any struggle is your Higher Self trying to get your attention, so look at it as a blessing in disguise because it is guiding you toward healing.

Lack of clarity, procrastination, imposter syndrome, fear, doubt, worry, etc. are all blocks to your Divinity that your ego creates to keep you stuck.  An Akashic Record Reading can point out what your hidden ego agenda is and remove those blocks. 

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

Individuals who are open minded and willing to look into any facet of their life are ideally suited to this work.  This is not a requirement however.  I have successfully assisted individuals who were very skeptical, in the beginning but willing to try something unique and outside their understanding and comfort zone.  Almost everything can be addressed, cleared, and healed by working with a professional Akashic Realm reader.  A few examples of things I have worked with during sessions are striping away deep rooted old angers and fears, clearing energies stuck in the body causing chronic pain such as sciatica, and revising a negative mindset into a beautiful positive landscape.  Disease is created from blocked and stored energies.  Doing readings and healings or clearings allows the individual to begin correcting the imbalances in the energy of their body, mind, and soul, restoring the flow of supportive energies, thereby clearing chronic pain hopefully before it becomes chronic illness.

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People who receive the greatest benefits from an Akashic records reading would be those who want to understand themselves better. They are curious about what holds them back from love and/or abundance. They wonder why they're attracted to certain places, people, occupations, or things.  They may want to understand why they love someone, and what they both came in to do together. Or why do they struggle with loved ones and what are they here to learn about that. Or why they struggle or have fears associated with people, places, things, or people. Within the akashic records, you can find out the lessons for advancing forward into a more peaceful, happy and abundant and juicier life. An akashic reading can help you discover your purpose, your strengths, your fears and anything that is keeping you stuck, your agreements and/or even your galactic lineage.

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