Akashic Records - Who can benefit from an Akashic Reading?

People who receive the greatest benefits from an Akashic records reading would be those who want to understand themselves better. They are curious about what holds them back from love and/or abundance. They wonder why they're attracted to certain places, people, occupations, or things.  They may want to understand why they love someone, and what they both came in to do together. Or why do they struggle with loved ones and what are they here to learn about that. Or why they struggle or have fears associated with people, places, things, or people. Within the akashic records, you can find out the lessons for advancing forward into a more peaceful, happy and abundant and juicier life. An akashic reading can help you discover your purpose, your strengths, your fears and anything that is keeping you stuck, your agreements and/or even your galactic lineage.

Akashic Records