Akashic Records - Who can benefit from an Akashic Reading?

Individuals who are open minded and willing to look into any facet of their life are ideally suited to this work.  This is not a requirement however.  I have successfully assisted individuals who were very skeptical, in the beginning but willing to try something unique and outside their understanding and comfort zone.  Almost everything can be addressed, cleared, and healed by working with a professional Akashic Realm reader.  A few examples of things I have worked with during sessions are striping away deep rooted old angers and fears, clearing energies stuck in the body causing chronic pain such as sciatica, and revising a negative mindset into a beautiful positive landscape.  Disease is created from blocked and stored energies.  Doing readings and healings or clearings allows the individual to begin correcting the imbalances in the energy of their body, mind, and soul, restoring the flow of supportive energies, thereby clearing chronic pain hopefully before it becomes chronic illness.

Akashic Records