
Akashic Records reader here.  My experience with the Akashic records is if there’s no higher purpose, there’s no reason to open the records on another’s life. I’ve read for people who wanted to understand their relationships with others, to allow more peace in their lives. I’ve been able to assess what was the opportunity and what was the greatest challenge, for instance. In these cases, I’ve been able to give snippets that often help another assess why relationships are so amazingly beautiful between you or why some are so challenging. The records are private unless by offering a snippet of the past will help in that relationship today. My guides never give me full names, birthdates, or anything that could be researchable. 

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

The answer to that is both yes and no.  NO you can’t look into anyone’s Akashic Records without their permission or request.  

If anyone thinks they are in someone else’s record without permission, the information you are given won’t necessarily be valid. No matter what the intention, going into someone else’s energy field (or trying to) without their permission is never a good idea.  Your Akashic Records are part of your energy field so thereby protected from harm by your guides, angels, helpers and spiritual teachers on the other side.  

As for the yes part, if you are looking at your Akashic Records and someone else is involved in your experience, you can see that information only to the extent it involves you.

The best piece of advice is “mind your own vibration!”  Always look at raising your vibration and stop worrying about anyone else and what they may or may not be doing. You control you and so do they.

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

An authentic Akashic Records professional reader has permission from an individual prior to beginning a session to accessing their records.  One caveat is if the client is a minor, permission comes from the Guardian of the minor.  It is best to limit working with minors unless the situation is extreme.  The safety comes from selecting a credible and professional reader.  Looking for someone who has taken training and been certified, as with many professions, can alleviate the concerns.  Getting a referral from a trusted source will add to easing the mind on concerns of safety.  If the reader and their Spirit Team detect harmful energies, the session would be ended.  Another layer of safety is the Akashic Realm Guardians will refuse access to all records if there is anything nefarious behind the actions that is somehow missed by the reader and Spirit Team.  Once access is granted the intensity of the session is guided by the Spirit Team of the reader and the individual’s Highest Self.  Most people have a built-in resistance to issues that take them too deep.  Readings and healings are similar to an onion, with many layers and depths of complexity.  The ability to traverse these layers resides with the intuitive abilities of the reader combined with their Spirit Team.

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