Akashic Records - What about privacy?  Can anyone read anyone else’s Akashic Records?

An authentic Akashic Records professional reader has permission from an individual prior to beginning a session to accessing their records.  One caveat is if the client is a minor, permission comes from the Guardian of the minor.  It is best to limit working with minors unless the situation is extreme.  The safety comes from selecting a credible and professional reader.  Looking for someone who has taken training and been certified, as with many professions, can alleviate the concerns.  Getting a referral from a trusted source will add to easing the mind on concerns of safety.  If the reader and their Spirit Team detect harmful energies, the session would be ended.  Another layer of safety is the Akashic Realm Guardians will refuse access to all records if there is anything nefarious behind the actions that is somehow missed by the reader and Spirit Team.  Once access is granted the intensity of the session is guided by the Spirit Team of the reader and the individual’s Highest Self.  Most people have a built-in resistance to issues that take them too deep.  Readings and healings are similar to an onion, with many layers and depths of complexity.  The ability to traverse these layers resides with the intuitive abilities of the reader combined with their Spirit Team.

Akashic Records