Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

I will preface my answer by saying that it’s really hard to take your ego out of the equation anytime you look into things about yourself.  Whether it’s in the records, using a pendulum, tarot cards, etc. the part of you that is fully invested in this world only (ego) may trick you into seeing what it is that you WANT to see. Being open to accepting what you find is key to correctness. 

That said, it will require a focused and disciplined approach. 

To begin as with any sacred work, set your intention, create a sacred space and meditate and center yourself.  I have a breathing exercise I do and a visualization to enter the records and specific Akashic Record guides that I work with. Once there I have a specific prayer I say. 

I think we all need to find “our” way of doing things and entering the Akashic Records is no different.  There is no right or wrong, however, you probably want to study a bit on the different ways to attune yourself initially.  For me it was relative to my knowledge here since my Akashic Records guides showed up in red, green and blue robes.  I have a printing background and with RGB you can create any color so this was relative to me as being able to create and or see anything without restriction. 

Once you enter pay attention to any feelings, thoughts, images, that come to you. I am claircognizant but when I seek a “soul story’ for healing in the Akashic Records I bring in my clairvoyance as I’m shown “stories” within the records.  Of course, that is what I ask to see…the story that will most help my client in the now.  When you start working this higher dimension, it will morph into what serves you best, and the best way that you can receive information.  Be open, be willing and trust your intuition! 

It’s also important to be patience.  Accessing the Akashic Records can take practice and like anything else, the more you practice the easier it becomes.  If you find it challenging, or have trouble receiving or interpreting the information, consider seeking out an experienced person to help you.

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

I learned to access my own Records through a training program.  I was taught a prayer to access them. The more open a person is, the more readily that information is available through intuition.  Intention combined with being open allows entry into individual Records.  The retrieval of events, emotions, thoughts, and conversations is granted when a person is in the proper frame of mind, leaving ego behind.

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If you'd like to read your own records, my recommendation is to buy a book that teaches you how to do it. A few great akashic records books are: How to read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and its Journey by Linda Howe, Your Soul has a Plan: Awaken to your Life Purpose by Lisa Barnett, The infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records: How to Access your Souls Plan with Ease by Lisa Barnett. There are many books on this topic. Note: Apologies to all those great authors I did not mention here. 

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