
Akashic Records reader here. Akashic records cannot be changed but more importantly, they can be healed. When I say healed, I mean you have the power to heal any “spookie-wookie fear, or relationship, or situation” you are carrying forward from another life. I find most clients can release it by understanding the story and context and choosing to heal it in the moment.

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

The Akashic Records are basically history, and while you can’t change history, you can change your perception of it and the energetics it is creating in your current reality.

Part of the healing work I do within the records deals with shifting the energy. This is not changing the record, but shifting the negative aspect or impact to that of understanding it through Divine Love. Even though the energy is transmuted, the lesson learned and the positive aspect of it remains. The event remains unchanged as it occurred, but the understanding and energy of it are shifted from a higher consciousness and state of being. It’s about removing the discordant and interfering energies.

If you think about an experience you had in your life that was unpleasant at the time, yet you later saw it as something that turned out positive, it’s sort of like that. Like a job you were fired from that led you to one that you loved.  The fact that you were fired from the job didn’t change, yet your negative energy of being devastated at the time changed to positive energy once you saw the beneficial outcome. 

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

My training says to address the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects to rewrite any event into a fresh supportive story.  The Records themselves remain the same.  You will retain all knowledge and wisdom of the events as opposed to removing or altering the information.  The dramatic changes are found in your mindset around traumas, events, thoughts, and conversations.  My personal belief is tampering with the Akashic Records themselves has a dangerous component, therefore something that I decline to do.

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