Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

Accessing the Akashic Records is about tapping into a field of consciousness that contains the history of your soul and you looking at your soul’s journey. When you access the Akashic Records and connect with this higher consciousness it will help with your Spiritual Journey as well as your day to day life if you pay attention.

People experience the records in different manners.  It could be a just a feeling, thought or intuitive insight, or a full-on vision. As with anything the intention you set and the focus you request, will be what guides the information you receive. It could very well be insight into recurring patterns that have been brought forth into this lifetime. In my work I find this to be the best way to understand something and change it if it is no longer serving you, but you are struggling to understand why it is happening, or it just doesn’t make sense.

Sometimes when you access the Akashic Records, you will see a karmic connection or even a lesson your soul chose to learn this during incarnation. This can give you valuable insight and clarity on personal growth, relationships, challenges, or any number of things about your current life experiences. I found that looking at your existence from a soul level within the records can quickly facilitate emotional and spiritual healing and transformation. By understanding past events or traumas, you can release old patterns and wounds allowing for profound personal transformation and growth.

The insights found in your soul’s history can easily integrate into your daily life to improve it on many levels! The soul has a lot to share with you from its history and can help you align more closely with your life purpose and having a more pleasant life journey. I find in my work within the Akashic Records they offer deep insights and transformation when you seek greater understanding about yourself, your life, why you are here and want to align your Mind/Body/Soul for greater harmony and a happier existence.

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

There are two ways to access the Records, personally or via a professional practitioner.  In order to receive information, the practitioner goes through a transition phase, greets and Akashic Records Guardian(s), then are led to a room in the Records to begin the healing session. It is more difficult for many to accurately access their personal Records.  By working with a professional, you will find the practitioner has a more objective view when  processing the information received from the Records.  From personal experience, I found that I distorted information as I was learning.  Why?  I was not ready to both retrieve this information and remain objective, remain as bystander if you will.  My reactivity prevented me from truly ‘hearing, seeing, and accepting’ some hard truths.  I had and have the option to work with others reading my Records.  It was still hard to accept some of the information, however, it was offered objectively with compassion and love in a way that allowed me to see how I chose to restrict myself due to various traumas.  Working with the information I that was presented encouraged me to accept my portion of the trauma while learning to forgive others who lent a hand in events around trauma in my life.

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The experience is different for everybody. The experience will be different based on how your reader reads. As an Akashic records reader I choose to keep any negative emotional response out of my reading. I will describe the context, the content, the karma and the lesson to be resolved in this life now. Most of my readees will say they were able to "connect many dots" to make sense of their life today and will know how to proceed as fearlessly as possible.

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