Akashic Records - How to reach the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is a field of consciousness that can be reached through a meditative or altered state of consciousness so that you leave your logical mind “on the back burner” and allow this different state of consciousness.  

In general, you want to create a sacred space, set an intention and relax and get centered.  You enter the Records after using a specific prayer and visualization.  There are also specific Guides. Initially, you want to “attune” yourself to the records so that you know what to expect and meet not just the Akashic Record Guides, but your personal ones for this specific journey. 

Accessing the Akashic Records can take time and practice. Some people connect easily, while others may need to work through blocks or doubts before fully accessing them. With regular practice, this connection often becomes stronger and more fluid. I recommend seeking guidance from a trained Akashic reader or healer if you're new to this work.

Akashic Records