
Akashic Records reader here. I always do an opening prayer to my masters, teachers, and loved ones, and Lords of the records for their wisdom before going into a past life of another (or myself). I always ask for guidance, direction, and courage to know the truth for everyone’s highest good. I always ask for the ability to share any wisdom with compassion, and I always ask that the information is delivered in a compassionate and healing way. I also ask that only the lives that is ready to heal now are shown to me. I always close the prayer so that I don’t accidentally leave it open for any unintended leak through.

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

Prayers are an integral part of any work with the Akashic Records.  I use a specific prayer opening the records that sets the sacredness and intention of the reading.  This helps create a both a sacred and respectful space for the coming information.   Prayers also invoke Divine and Spiritual energies that will help enhance the clarity and depth of information received. It will help guide you toward what you are hoping to gain knowledge about within yours or someone else’s Akashic Record.  It will also guide toward what you are ready to heal.

Once the “energy challenge” is found and known, prayer work will help speed the healing process. The “energy challenge” is about what is hanging around energetically that needs to shift for forward momentum. 

When we pray, we are connecting to the part of us that is still connected to God …call it the Universe, Creator, Higher Power, etc. whatever works for you. When you are seeking answers from a soul-level within the Akashic Records, prayer is imperative so that you bring about that level of connection and protection.  Once you find what you are seeking, prayer can help afterwards by anchoring the healing into the 3rd dimension. 

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

From my perspective, the Akashic Records are highly spiritual.  Intentions equate to prayers, actual prayers are absolutely supported during readings.  One of the beautiful things about the Akashic Records is that it includes religion and religious ideas.  The practitioner should work within the belief systems of the client around prayers, as spirituality and religion differ to some and are one and the same to others.  Taping into a higher power, whether it falls within organized religion, Source, Mother Earth, Nature, Planets, Other Worldly Beings, Mystical Beings, even cartoons, are ways to relate the Records to support and honor the client fully.  The magic of this work is there are ways to be relatable to all, meeting each individual where they are currently.  So prayers ultimately fit into Akashic Records work, guided by the practitioners Spirit Team as well as the team of the client and the client’s Higher Self, delightfully and seamlessly.

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