
Akashic Records reader here. One very common theme I have found with healers in the Akashic records is a deep-seated fear of being seen or heard or taking their businesses out in the world. The fear often comes from having been persecuted by “others” for telling their truth and being in service to others. These are “the witches who have been burned at the stake” examples.

I also see many who struggle with money in this life who have made a vow of poverty in past lives in mistakenly believing that “not having” would offer them higher access to God.

In my earlier life, I felt afraid of making a wrong decision and suffered with analysis paralysis and of stepping into a leadership position. I found in a past life, I was a General in charge of many young men. But my ego, and not listening to others, and by ignoring my intuition, I directed many young men into a battle that slaughtered most of them. Once I realized this and released and healed it, I was able to step into a leadership role and make, and stand by my decisions. 

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Sharon Hess Spiritual Business and Life Guidance

I had a client that struggled a lot in relationships.  She believed that no matter what she did, she just couldn’t find “her person” to love and share life with.  She was ready to throw in the towel and stop dating all together.  During our work in the Akashic Records we uncovered that she was very much in love with someone in a past life that was killed in front of her.

Deep down at her soul level, she was actually not allowing herself to find someone and love that deeply again for fear of them dying and leaving her.  Once we worked through looking everything involved, how and why it happened, she was able to see the positive that could be learned from it. We were now able to change the energy within the experience.  Instead of carrying that burden forward lifetime, after lifetime, she was able to see why it was necessary when it happened. Once the energy was shifted and changed, she was able to once again open her heart, allowing love in and making it possible to draw in “her person.”

BTW she is now happily married and expecting her first child!

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Tami Movement and Energy Specialist

When I began learning Akashic Records, I was seeking support to heal my own personal traumas.  I needed assistance navigating three deaths and a car accident in roughly 15 months.  I was reeling, depressed, and super angry.  I was aware it was essential I seek support.  For me, I intuitively knew that the customary psychologist/psychiatrist was not my path.  I began seeking other ways to manage, then deal with and heal from these traumas.  This led me to energy healing modalities.  I began Reiki and Crystal Healing work which in turn guided me to Akashic Records training.  As I began learning how to access my Records and others, I was able to begin shedding some of the anger and depression.  It was slow at first, as I had programmed resistance to resolve first.  Slowly, I realized how many choices I had made exacerbating my traumas through agreements and belief systems.  With this knowledge, I began truly clearing, healing, and growing. I was able to greatly enhance my quality of life.  Reactivity slowly turned into responding.  I gained understanding of my unique abilities, and now routinely tap into my magic.  It is becoming an integrated part of my being!

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