No preparation is necessary, but normally people who have booked a reading with me are curious about getting their questions answered about relationships, either challenging or special, any strange interests, any phobias, visions or psychic experiences that make no sense to them. I don't need this to obtain access but it helps direct me more quickly to the life that you may be working on healing or understanding now.
Akashic Records reader here. Most clients tell me they feel relieved to understand the people (their soul group) and challenges in their life. Most people express an appreciation to know about their soul’s blueprint and life purpose(s). I’m told they feel comforted by understanding the bigger themes in their lives. Themes being why they’re attracted to something, why they are fearful, why they may feel stuck, and why they have come forth to master in this life.
If you'd like to read your own records, my recommendation is to buy a book that teaches you how to do it. A few great akashic records books are: How to read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and its Journey by Linda Howe, Your Soul has a Plan: Awaken to your Life Purpose by Lisa Barnett, The infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records: How to Access your Souls Plan with Ease by Lisa Barnett. There are many books on this topic. Note: Apologies to all those great authors I did not mention here.
Akashic Records reader here. I always do an opening prayer to my masters, teachers, and loved ones, and Lords of the records for their wisdom before going into a past life of another (or myself). I always ask for guidance, direction, and courage to know the truth for everyone’s highest good. I always ask for the ability to share any wisdom with compassion, and I always ask that the information is delivered in a compassionate and healing way. I also ask that only the lives that is ready to heal now are shown to me.
Akashic Records reader and psychic reader here. In a psychic reading we investigate the recent past, the present and then future. We focus on any energies you need to release to bring forth your best and highest destiny. In an Akashic reading, we go back to the past lives that are affecting you the most right now and preventing you from moving forward into your highest and best destiny. In a reading it’s not uncommon for me to do both.
Akashic Records reader here. Akashic records cannot be changed but more importantly, they can be healed. When I say healed, I mean you have the power to heal any “spookie-wookie fear, or relationship, or situation” you are carrying forward from another life. I find most clients can release it by understanding the story and context and choosing to heal it in the moment.
Akashic Records reader here. My guides will only go in to help you on your path. Most common questions brought into a reading may about any fears that make no sense to you and any relationships, challenging or not. In addition to your questions, I ask for the overriding story and people from the life affecting you in this one. I ask for the short- and long-term goals. I also ask for the context and any nuances that may be affecting you now. I ask about your role and the role of other. I always ask about your responsibility in that life and your soul’s purpose.
The experience is different for everybody. The experience will be different based on how your reader reads. As an Akashic records reader I choose to keep any negative emotional response out of my reading. I will describe the context, the content, the karma and the lesson to be resolved in this life now. Most of my readees will say they were able to "connect many dots" to make sense of their life today and will know how to proceed as fearlessly as possible.
Akashic Records reader here. One very common theme I have found with healers in the Akashic records is a deep-seated fear of being seen or heard or taking their businesses out in the world. The fear often comes from having been persecuted by “others” for telling their truth and being in service to others. These are “the witches who have been burned at the stake” examples.I also see many who struggle with money in this life who have made a vow of poverty in past lives in mistakenly believing that “not having” would offer them higher access to God.
Akashic Records reader here. The advice to first ask your trusted friends or family who they would suggest for a reading. Read reviews and testimonials. We are all unique in our approach and unique in our specialties, so I’d also recommend knowing what you’re looking to find out. For instance, my Akashic guides won’t do a fishing expedition to find out if you were Julius Caesar or Cleopatra; they want to go right to answering a question as to why you are challenged with something now that makes no sense to you or any relationships that are unique in any way and why.