Many, like myself, learn to access the Akashic Records via a dedicated training program. There are many options available. Cost is a factor to be aware of. You get what you pay for. My training took about one year. This included guidance, practice sessions with fellow students, then friends and family. It is a skill to be learned, so you may take to the work easily, or it may require more time and focus. No matter where you are, intention is a key factor along with practice, practice, practice.
The depth of healing that is available. Akashic Record readings are life changing! Sometime there are sweeping and dramatic changes, sometimes a seed planted, or somewhere in between. Each session is individual and specific to question or area of focus. Depth directly relates to how open and accepting the client is, and information is controlled by the Higher Self, for the client’s highest and greatest good. These readings assist in reframing life events. The knowledge and wisdom learned remain. The trigger of emotion is tamped down or removed.
Absolutely! Just like the following that are invisible to the naked eye, we accept radio and microwaves, faith in things, as valid and available. Faith is a way to view the reality of the Akashic Records. I also reference radio waves, which are invisible to the naked eye, yet there is a tangible way to ‘see’ them by dialing into a station. Yet another example is WIFI, and the digital universe, our modern world is heavily reliant on sending and receiving information, which occurs over radio waves as well, sending data, photos and videos.
Yes, as long as the intention is honorable. Intention is a key factor, therefore, if one wishes to use the Records for harm in any way, they will be blocked from accessing them.
For me personally, there is rarely a true visual aspect to the Records. Clairvoyance gives a visual representation of information stored in the Records. In working with the Records, I know and feel primarily. This means if a client is presenting with a back or belly ache, I feel a representation of that in my own body, clairsentience. I feel emotions and often handle clearing in the beginning for those unwilling to feel the emotions. I also get knowing’s over pictures simply due to my strength in claircognizance.
The Akashic Records are everywhere. Each thought, action, conversation, event comes from the Records. They include everything from the past, present, and future. Records are stored in nature, particularly whales, who are Record keepers. They are stored in the breeze, in the sunshine, moon, and stars. Mother Earth a steward, housing many Records. Similar to radio waves, practitioners ‘dial in’ to find the information as we do for radio stations. Static may indicate an area a client’s higher self knows they aren’t quite ready to receive.
I love being able to support and guide someone who is choosing alternative healing modalities. Here in the States, getting a pill, a shot, or having surgery is the norm. Therefore, when a client is truly interested in addressing underlining issues and willing to explore modalities outside their comfort zone, it is exciting. Embracing a zone of discomfort intentionally is where real magic can begin to unfold! As this magic begins, it is truly inspirational to witness the empowerment of a thought, skill, or response.
A Magical Universe! Every moment in time is housed in the Akashic Realm. All thoughts, emotions, and events, from all timelines, past lives, planets, and other dimensions fall under this umbrella. This is the equivalent of the world wide web, all information is available, everything is connected. Unlike the world wide web, the knowledge is accurate though each filter/practitioner will have a unique interpretation. To successfully find the intelligence, proper terminology is needed for framing.
My training included a prayer or poem to set the stage, if you will. Using an intention to be of a clear heart and mind, allows the prayer or poem to guide entry into the Records. It is truly a beautiful process to open someone’s Records for the purpose of healing. Another intention is in place to offer a starting point for each session which precedes the transition phase into the Records for the Akashic Realm Guardians to being offering information to guide in the healing session.