Akashic Records - Is / are the Akashic Records real?

Absolutely!  Just like the following that are invisible to the naked eye, we accept radio and microwaves, faith in things, as valid and available.  Faith is a way to view the reality of the Akashic Records.  I also reference radio waves, which are invisible to the naked eye, yet there is a tangible way to ‘see’ them by dialing into a station.  Yet another example is WIFI, and the digital universe, our modern world is heavily reliant on sending and receiving information, which occurs over radio waves as well, sending data, photos and videos.  It can be challenging when exposed to something so far outside our comfort zone to simply accept it, particularly when there are no tactile aspects to offer proof. . .  The confirmation occurs when you allow and experience the wonder and magic of the Akashic Records.

Akashic Records