Ruth Wilson - Intuitive Coach - Develop Your Inner Magic

My intuitive guidance is unique, far reaching and practical.  I help you access your intuition to…
intuition, hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, NLP, mentoring, intuitive…

Nikki Wisniewski - NMW Unveiled

Nikki blends intuition, experience, and skill to mainstream the magic all around us, educating and…
Psychic Readings, Intuitive, intuitive development,…

Find Psychics, Healers and Guides in intuition





What the Deck?

Discover 3 different types of card decks and their origins, learn how to find the perfect deck that resonates with yo
The event will take place at the $33.00
The event will take place at the United States

All types of readings

All types of readings, crystal readings, tarot cards, oracle readings, reiki healing, etc. 
Online / Remote | In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $25.00$25.00
The event will take place at the Fredericksburg, Texas