Derek Stottlemyer - Licensed Avatar Master

I have been a licensed Avatar Master since 2014 and I love teaching the Avatar tools and helping…
Avatar®, Personal Development, Workshops, The Avatar Course,… -

People seek the services of a clairvoyant or psychic for many reasons. Some want a glimpse of their…
Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Awakening, Clairvoyant,…

AngelSusan22 - Susan

My Angel Readings are aimed to provide you with tools to help you access divine information; and to…
Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Workshops

About Healing Medium -

About Healing Medium, Sheree Buckman is the founder of About Healing LLC and creator and host of…

Spiritual Awakening - Find Psychics, Healers, Guides and more







Fire Soul Infusion

The Fire Soul Infusion activation utilizes sacred geometry to expand your awareness and increase the flow of vi
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $250.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Full Spirit Activation

Following the Life Activation, the Full Spirit Activation is often the next step I recommend.  This spiritual aw
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $250.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

TEN ACTIONS You can do today

Relief from Stress, Anxiety and Worry - Live in HarmonyThere are many ways that we fall out of harmony with
The event will take place at the Free
The event will take place at the Michigan

Avatar Movie Nights - Explore the Powers of Consciousness

The questions of life, enjoyably explored with friendsAre you longing to discuss deep issues with i
The event will take place at the Free
The event will take place at the Michigan