I've never been one who likes to do things the way the rest of the crowd does them. Not that I truly like to stand out either. So I think by explaining this, I've just kept myself from starting my blog the same way others do with the all too common 'to give you some background about me' or 'my spiritual journey started on...'. Don't get me wrong, not that there is anything wrong with starting a post these ways, I'm just giving you a taste of who I am as a person and just how out of place I've felt/been since I arrived back on this planet in the early 1980's.

As a child my earliest memory was when I was a year and a half old. I gave my grandmother vivid detailed memory of the place I lived. Since we didn't live there apparently very long, she said there's no way I could remember that. She was in awe, to say the least. I don't think any of us knew what we were all in for over the next few decades. I started singing at age 3, performing at age 9. Did the typical youth singer looking for stardom. I performed all over the Bay Area. But during this time, I never fit in at school, I was picked on. I always felt different and like an outcast though the teasing didn't help it any.

I have to say, I could've made better decisions, like not allowing myself to become so hard and defensive (get them before they get me type of mentality), but as I've learned since my awakening in March 2020, life is all about lessons and until you apply what you've learned to break the cycles, you'll stay in a constant motion of living the same things over and over again. I think for now I'll stop here and give you a little bit to ponder on. 

Here's just a little bit of homework for you. Of the brief information above that I have given you, how much of it resonates for you? How does it make you feel? Does it trigger you? These are things you have to allow yourself to sit with and REALLY ponder.

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🔥🥰


Read Part 2

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Spiritual Awakening

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