
People seek the services of a clairvoyant or psychic for many reasons. Some want a glimpse of their…
Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Awakening, Clairvoyant,…

Barbara Pott - Awencrafts LLC

I offer psychic readings, eco-spirituality mentoring and Myers-Briggs personality assessment…
Clairvoyant, Psychic, readings, eco-spiritual, mentor,…

Molly Faith Kleitsch - Santera Espiritista Warrior for the Divine, Medium, Alchemist

My name is Molly, I am an initiated Santera and Crowned Espiritista. I am a Medium for the Divine,…
Spiritual Guidance, Energy initiated -

Please visit my website, for a full introduction, to schedule and for…
Akashic Records, Channeling, Meditation, Clairvoyant,…

Levanah Shell Bdolak - CLEARSIGHT

I love to show people how to access their spiritual and intuitive nature and abilities. I’ve taught…
Healing, Clairvoyant, Spiritual, Chakras, aura, Psychic…

Clairvoyant - Find Psychics, Healers, Guides and more