Why do we call her Mother Earth?

When I introduce clients to Mother Earth, the exercise seems playful and imaginary, but don't kid yourself.  The relationship is very real.  The relationship is very important.

The best way to learn intuitive and psychic skills is to be playful; go back to a kindergarten frame of mind.  That can lull one into a sense that it's just make believe, but the energy we play with is very real.

Visits to other dimensions begin right here

I start most intuitive coaching with building a relationship with Mother Earth.  It’s pretty amazing what she provides.  For the purposes of using intuitive skills, grounding and centering make a huge difference

Grounding automatically centers and keeps the energy body stable and balanced.

Grounding allows the release of energies that don’t serve you.  

It’s a pleasant surprise for most just how much support you get from this sort of connection to the Earth

A supportive relationship

Ground by imagining a field of energy from  your tailbone down into the very center of the earth.  Yes, your tailbone.  

Strengthen that field of energy, then imagine you can communicate to mother earth through that field.  Call a greeting to the planet.  Say "Hello" and listen to her answer or feel for it.

The spoiler here is that almost everyone gets a noticeable response.  There may be an earthy scent, a cool sensation, a verbal message.  Mostly there is a feeling of love and support, which is surprising to many.

What grounding to the Earth  does

Grounding is critical to the function of the energy body in many ways, a couple of which are really worth knowing for their practical value.

When you are reacting to energies or feelings and don’t know the source of them, there’s a really good chance they are the energies of other people you’ve been around.  

If you want to read energetic information, better start with a clear screen.  Imagine the grounding field from  your tailbone connecting  you to the center of the planet.  Simply imagine any energies which are not yours being pulled off by gravity and into the earth and out of  your space.  

Feel those energies relax, drift into the ground.  Mother earth can transmute any energy.  No matter what you release, it is now just neutral energy, available to the planet.

Connection to the earth gives you full power 

Grounding keeps you stable, centered and available to all your energy.  It allows not only clear perceptions but full access to your legitimate power.

When I coach people who are being bullied or disrespected, it is a very helpful skill to stay grounded and centered during all their interactions.

People respond very well to someone who’s grounded and centered.  Otherwise difficult people react visibly when the person they interact with grounds and centers themselves.  The grounded state invites equality and respect.

So ground and center yourself when going into a challenging conversation or interaction, giving a presentation, giving important information others.

Acquaintance with Mother Earth

Allow yourself to feel the earth’s support for you and your energy.  When you work with your psychic skills and intuitive magic, you collaborate with the earth and her energy in many different ways.  If you work with me as an intuitive coach, this is a conscious collaboration.

You can set up a consistent energy communication with the earth and stay grounded and centered, with healthy boundaries and ready to use your psychic skills always.


Topic Keywords
intuition development intuition Energy Clearing

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