Molly Faith Kleitsch - Santera Espiritista Warrior for the Divine, Medium, Alchemist

My name is Molly, I am an initiated Santera and Crowned Espiritista. I am a Medium for the Divine,…
Spiritual Guidance, Energy initiated

Annette Bruchu - Angel For Higher ~ Medium, Psychic, Maximum Healing ~ Aura Photos by Annette

Annette Bruchu is an experienced, nationally known visionary and intuitive healer who shares her…
Medium, mediumship, Psychic, Psychic Reading, Energy…

Energy Clearing - Find Psychics, Healers, Guides and more





Energy Clearing

This is a powerful energy clearing from the lineage of King Salomon that banishes unwanted, negative energies and tox
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $150.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan