How do you say goodbye to the old you? This is something I've been sitting and pondering with for quite awhile now. How do you let what you've known yourself to be go and be okay with it? These questions arouse a little fear inside you, don't they? Ya, I know. I've been feeling it too. The thing is, if you don't let go of the old parts of you that no longer serve you, you can't make room for the new exciting things to form. You can't build on an old unsteady foundation that has cracks and leaks in it. Well, I mean I guess you can if you don't mind having an unhealthy structure. Who am I to judge?

But I can speak from experience. This isn't the first time my foundation has been weakened to the point of needing a 'renovation'. If I've learned nothing else from this spiritual awakening and journey, it's that your foundation (morals, ethics, boundaries, etc) are the most important building blocks. If you waiver from them even an inch, you'll cause a hairline fracture so big that you won't notice it until it's too late. What is that saying, give an inch and they take a mile? Applies here if you ask me. If you don't stick to the foundation of your morals, ethics and boundaries, who else is going to? We create our monsters. The way we treat and talk about ourselves is seen by those closest to us and if we can get away with it, they think they can too. Sometimes they try their luck and when you say nothing they think, 'oh I can totally get away with it.' And after the 5th or 10th time that they have gotten away with it, well you dug your own hole. You can't be mad at them for not understanding how that makes you feel, when you are the one who taught them it was okay to do in the first place.

What you can try to do is correct the situation. Let them know hey, I know I've been laughing this off, but it really does make me feel a certain way when you say these things. The person will do one of two things. They will either respect you and the boundary you placed and stop doing it or they will throw a tantrum about the boundary out of disrespect.

Humans make it very simple for us to make it an easy choice to either keep them around or let them go. We just become so complacent because of the fear of being alone, that we revert back to our old ways and now we are repeating cycles. Which will you choose?

Shadow work: do a dive into your inner foundation. How does it look? Could it use work? Does any of this trigger you? Sit with this and see what you come up with.

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🥰🔥


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