Control. Power. Humanity craves it. Whether we choose to accept or even acknowledge it, it's been ingrained in us. Why is that? Why do we try to control every single aspect of ourselves, our life and others?

I've learned that our outside world reflects how we feel inside. If we are in total and utter chaos, the world around us tends to show up that way. Well, everything is about balance. As above, so below. As within, so without. And let me take it a step further and blow your mind.... stress is NEVER inside of us. Stress is always an outside factor that we let INTO our field and our bodies. We don't have to let things and people get to us the way that we do, but it's all in our upbringing. What did you experience growing up? What was ingrained in you? Was it a positive or negative experience? These are all important questions we need to ask ourselves.

We seek power and control because on some sense lack self sufficiency. Humanity has built its self up to NEED to follow someone. But who is that someone going to be? It's a ridiculous rat race. We are only able to control the little tangible things inside of us and accessible to our field in the moment. We don't control the universe, we never will. That isn't the way it is setup. We need to learn to accept that.

Shadow work: How do you feel when someone tries to control you? Are you a leader or a follower? (HINT: It's OK to be either, remember everything is about balance)

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🥰🔥


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