As I stated in the previous part, no blame will ever be placed on anyone but myself and as such, no names or specifics of my family, friends, inner circle and the like will even be noted as that part is no one's business. There is no sense in bringing attention to an energy that has been healed and transmuted. This is purely for lessons sake, what I took from the lesson and what I applied going forward. Onward we go!

If I were to really go back to what I learned the most from my childhood, that would be that your inner child will be the one who has the most to teach you in adulthood. It is the child who knows how to have 'blind' faith and trust. The child is the one who knows how to have fun and be carefree, non judgmental, allow themselves to be who they truly are. That is until the current society starts to have a say and it all goes to hell in a hand basket.

You'll find the most shadow work a single person will have to do is break open that inner child and dissect every little thing that they have been holding onto. When you realize how many decades that has been, it's a lot to deal with. But I've found that taking it in small doses tends to help. Triggers tend to set me off, ironic since that's what a trigger is supposed to do.

Here is another little tid bit of info for you. (Whispers ever so softly.... 'that's what we are here to do to and for each other'.) Ever noticed that someone saying something so arrogantly that you find yourself roaring and ready to have those thunder thumbs ready to comment back on someone's post, you might see red, your face gets flushed, your heart rate increases, etc...? Ya that's a trigger response. While I'm giggling as I write this, I know it's not really that funny, it's just all too common in every day life, for me anyway. I find myself following these 4 steps:

BREATHE....Acknowledge that you have just been triggered

Accept that you have been triggered. No these two are not the same thing

Figure out where the trigger is stemming from. This will take going inward with yourself to find out when in your timeline this first began affecting you, who does it remind you of?

Heal the trigger. Allow that energy to be released and next time it happens, you will be more well equipped to just keep scrolling rather than getting worked up and giving those thunder thumbs a workout.

Here is where we come to a screeching halt! I know, you don't want to do shadow work. But it's really the only way we are ever going to heal and feel like our true selves.

So what here resonated with you? How did it make you feel? What memories came up, if any?

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🥰🔥


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