I always thought I had a bad childhood. But it was brought to my attention that what I had experienced, was nothing in comparison to what other less fortunate children have. This being said, even at the age of 10 I could've spoken up and said how I felt. Although it might have been pushed to the side because 'you're a child, you don't know what you are talking about', I didn't have to allow myself to be a people pleaser or peace keeper.

Here's where we start to get into some stuff, so hang on! I was a crier as a child. I never knew why I was crying, I didn't understand it, I just always cried. I know now that I'm an empath and I was feeling many things that weren't even mine. I was pulling in the emotions and feelings of those around me. It wasn't until 2020 that I not only learned what it meant to be an empath, but how to transmute that energy that wasn't mine properly so that I didn't have to suffer through it anymore.

I was drawn to many seemingly abnormal things as a youngster. Things such as meditation (or that hippie shit as many try to refer to it as). I already stood out too much, I wasn't trying to 'add' to my weirdness. Let's not make things worse, right? I was always drawn to psychics and tarot reading places, though I never had the guts to ask my parents to let me do it. You fail 100% of the things you never try, right? Ya well, I didn't know that at the time.

I was also told that because of the dreams I had and the things I 'saw', that I had a very vivid and overactive imagination. Well, that's just not true. I'm psychic and my third eye was definitely open and active my entire life. I could also walk into a room and would get chills and feel as though something was always watching me. Kind of unnerving for a young person to interpret or deal with, you know? I knew things before they happened, prophetic dreams, you name it I experienced it at a young age and throughout my life. But as I'm sure you've guessed, I hid most of this away for a very long time. So afraid of judgment and cared way too much what others would think of me.

Here's where we stop and I give you a little bit to ponder on. 

Homework time! I know, who likes homework? Ok, lets call this Shadow work, because technically that's what it is.

Of the brief information above that I have given you, how much of it resonates for you? How does it make you feel? Does it trigger you? These are things you have to allow yourself to sit with and REALLY question.

Until next time, much love from the Phoenix! 🔥🥰


Read Part 1    Read Part 3

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