One of the things that I see happen all the time in the spiritual community is using spiritual reasons for not doing what is necessary to create the life and business that you want.

It’s easy to get stuck in needing to “feel” a certain way.  Then, we convince ourselves it’s more important to feel good than to create.  Yet as Divine Beings, we are here to create. Kind of crazy, huh?  So let me explain.

Your ego will convince you that you’re just not connected in the moment, so you need to ground, or center, or meditate, or chant, or ANYTHING except do what you know that you need to be doing here in the physical.  Spiritual escapism.

Listen, there are those that serve this world by sitting on a mountain top and meditating, focusing solely on oneness energy.  I am by no means saying DON’T do the spiritual things that you need to do, but what I am saying is you know when you are using them to hide.

One of my favorite quotes from A Course In Miracles is:

“The purpose of your learning is to enable you to bring the quiet with you, and to heal distress and turmoil. This is not done by avoiding them and seeking a haven of isolation for yourself. You will yet learn that peace is part of you, and requires only that you be there to embrace any situation in which you are. And finally you will learn that there is no limit to where you are, so that your peace is everywhere, as you are.”

I keep it on my desk.  It reminds me that it’s important to participate in the world.  It’s important because when I do, and I am able to bring my spiritual calmness and understanding with me, I aim to teach by example.  So should you.  As you heal, you change your vibration and have the potential to change it in those around you.  But, you must offer it.

There is a part of you that will trick you into thinking you are serving.  For example, you know that you need to finish a project for your business.  It’s really juicy and outside your comfort zone, so you know it will propel you forward, while also serving your tribe.  Instead of focusing on getting it done, you come up with a “free something” dressed in spiritual garb to take your time up.  BUT of course, it’s serving.  The trick is you have to look at whether of not you are doing it to avoid what you should be doing, and if it’s for the underlying need for approval.  Hey, if they don’t pay for it and I make them feel good, they have to love me, right?

We do it all the time and because we are aware, awake individuals, we must start looking at how clever our ego is in distracting us.  How can you tell?  By your results.  Do the things you are supposed to be doing… you’ll see your bank account go up.  Do the “free something” and the only thing you’ll see is your ego will feel better. You can feel good…temporarily.  But when you aren’t where you want to be in your business, you will beat yourself up and feel anything but good!

If you want permanent change then you have to go beyond “spiritual escapism” and start bringing your gifts into the world on a consistent basis.  Look at your long-term intention here, and ask in that moment of giving something free if it’s taking you closer to your goal, or keeping you stuck.

We create our results in moments.  Pay attention to your moments and you’ll create the results that you want!  If you find yourself being a "healer in hiding" let me help you uncover why and remove that block to your abundance!!!


Topic Keywords
Coaching-Spiritual intuition; psychic reading, energy reading; meditation clear knowing healing, creating, resistance, blind spots(542) Coaching-Empowerment

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