A Course In Miracle teaches "would you rather be right or happy?" 

Sometimes I know that I would rather be right… but I also know that by choosing to be right at all costs, I am giving up my peace and my happiness. I am more invested in being “right” than connecting to my Divine Self and relinquishing this unnecessary need. In reality, does it really matter that you be right?

How about changing that to “Would you rather be right or rich?”

Oh, that can bring up a lot of stuff for you, especially…dare I even say I want to be rich? Of course, if just the thought or the word triggers you, then you really need to look at why. What is wrong with the word rich? Were you taught by parents, teachers, and society as a whole that it is wrong to want to be rich? Why?

I am going to go with the assumption that if you are in my realm and follow me, you know the difference between ego and Divine Self, and you also have a good moral compass. You absolutely know that you can never gain at the expense of another. You probably also have a good dose of fear that making the money you want may change who you are because you’ve seen it happen to others.

The problem is, you have to let go of judging yourself by what you see others do or not do, and understand that it has nothing to do with you. You are not them. 

However, deep down you may want more than what you have, because, after all, lack of money creates a whole different place of struggle. But, if a part of you is reluctant to let go of an old belief regarding wealth because you are used to operating under its misguidance, you may just want the struggle more than the healing. 

It could very well be some ideas don’t align with what you want, yet you’ve bought into them on some level. What I see a lot with clients, is that if you don’t have any clue how to create money you will feel that you actually need an excuse for not doing it. OK, what could be a better excuse than it isn’t “right.” Particularly in the spiritual realm... somehow, we’ve bought into the idea that wanting to be rich is wrong. Somehow, we bought into the idea you can’t charge for your gifts.

So, we stay stuck in poverty or lack mentality by wanting to be right, by NOT wanting to change something, just because in this particular moment we believe that it’s true…when it’s not. 

How do you know? You are in lack. Any time you lack something that you want, (especially if you despair that you don’t know how to create it,) then you are giving testimony to a belief in lack. You are reinforcing it in yourself and in others.

Money, wealth, riches, whatever you call it, is, like everything, is a matter of perception.

Because of perception, we determine what we believe is right and wrong for us, and for some reason, we think that we can’t be “wrong.” Honestly, there is an underlying egoic fear,“if I change my mind about something, then I am saying I was wrong in the past. That’s simply not true. As you change and grow, so will your conscious awareness, it has to, so things that you believed in the past will no longer serve you and you will replace them with new empowering beliefs. That doesn’t mean they didn’t serve you in the past. That doesn’t mean you were wrong for goodness sakes, it just means you have grown.

For example, when you learn to ride a bike you may use training wheels. As a human being, you come into this world with the knowledge of balance, but you have to recognize it. So, as you are gaining knowledge of just how to balance yourself on that bike, the training wheels help. Then comes the day you no longer need them. Does that mean you were wrong to use them?

If you want to change your circumstances, then you will need to let go of a belief that no longer serves you and find one that does. Let go of the past, let go of being “right” because, after all, what would be wrong with being both happy and rich? Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

Ready to look at what belief is holding you back? Let’s look at what you are holding onto that it’s time to release… www.SharonHess.com

Topic Keywords
A Course In Miracles Manifestation Money Program

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