Learn to create Magic in your life with Derek, a licensed Avatar master

*NEW* Discussions by and for Practitioners

FindMagicPeople now has spaces just for us - to support, share and connect

[read this online]
[If you have not signed up as a practitioner - it's free and easy. Click here to learn how]

In my last newsletter I talked about how we can reach so many more people by working together.

But there is also an invisible support than we can relax into - we can support each other, share information and create a Kind network for each other.

With this in mind...

There is a new feature on FindMagicPeople that you may not know about. There is a collection of discussion groups that are free to join for practitioners only.

This gives us a chance to share, communicate and support each other on a wide range of topics and interests with peers that is distinct from our conversations with prospects.

I know there are groups on Facebook that aim to do this - but I don't find FB conducive to focus. My goal is for this to be more intentional and connected. I expect most of us want a space like this - so let's make it happen!

There are new groups (for Expos and Fairs, Healers Share, Meet and Greet, Exchanges in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, and more). If you are interested in participating, please check out the spaces, join one or more and introduce yourself.

Exploring and Joining Groups

 As a Practitioner you gain access to these private groups in the For Professionals menu

Practitioner Groups and Discussions

Join Energy Healer and Psychic groups with your community
Join as many groups as you like!

Joining FindMagicPeople as a practitioner is easy

While we certainly hope Practitioners want the benefits of paid memberships - these groups are available for free as a service to our friends and community. 

Sign up as a practitioner for free

Once you've created your account, you can explore the groups right away!

Practitioner Groups and Discussions


It's an exciting time - I can't wait to see you all in these groups!


PS - Can you share this information with your practitioner friends?

YES - please share this email or page with practitioners you know.