Amy Feger -

Amy Feger hosts events at The Enlightened Soul Center in Ann Arbor, MI To include Reiki Shares,…
Meditation, sound healing, energy work

PeaceOfLoveHealing - Jessica Guibord - Owner

Introducing Jessica Guibord, certified EnergyTouch® Practitioner, Reiki Master, Certified…
Reiki, Distance Healing, distance reiki, Healing Modalities,…

energy work - Find Psychics, Healers, Guides and more






Hermetic Energy Rebalancing

​Experience the Hermetic Energy Rebalancing series to clear away distracting thoughts and mental energies that
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $650.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Core Will Infusion

This Core Will Infusion activation utilizes the power of sacred geometry to clear out the aspects of your life
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $250.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Fire Soul Infusion

The Fire Soul Infusion activation utilizes sacred geometry to expand your awareness and increase the flow of vi
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $250.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Isis Healing

This powerful Egyptian healing modality facilitates the rebirth of your emotional body to restore vitality and
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $250.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Aura Healing

Keep your energy bright, strong, and positive through healing your aura - your primary energy source to create
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $100.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Etheric Reconstruction

I'm honored to have received the years of training that allows me to offer this profoundly powerful and specialized a
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $350.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Energy Clearing

This is a powerful energy clearing from the lineage of King Salomon that banishes unwanted, negative energies and tox
In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $150.00
The event will take place at the Royal Oak, Michigan

Distance Angelic Reiki

During a distance Reiki session you will receive healing from the Angelic Kingdom of Light in the comfort of your own
The event will take place at the $27.00$55.00
The event will take place at the United States

LMT, Reiki Master

Massage and Energy work byAmy Feger LMT, Reiki Master
Online / Remote | In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the Free
The event will take place at the Afghanistan