setting intentions for the year

Mindset Meditation to Function more Fully

Tuesday, January 9, 6:30 pm

Friends Auditorium

Not always functioning at peak positivity?  Can't police every thought?  You don't have to! You can create more of what you want, fairly simply.  

There are other ways to vibe it up so you enjoy the experiences you desire.  Start by quickly eliminating even unconscious resistance.  Then, by enlisting the help of your own higher powers, you can experience ease and relief that allow wonderful things to happen for you - no pressure!

We will practice some generally helpful techniques for easily creating more of the life you love.  We will focus on improving your experience, not self improvement.  You are already capable of creating!

A major side effect of this workshop is relaxation.

creating experience, reality creation, performance improvement, hypnosis
Related Offering(s)
Hypnotherapy Psychic Guidance

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