Your profile is the primary way people find out about you. Any content you create will link back to it – so it’s key to your success. You don’t need to say everything you do in detail. Offering pages are ideal for going into detail on specific on modalities, programs, venues, etc – and are the recommended way for you to share the specifics of what you do.

Your profile makes a big difference

The profile is critical for:

  • Keywords of what you do (which can get you listed on services pages and searches).
  • Where you live or work (which gets you listed, so be sure to provide at least city and state).
  • What you do and offer (usually a paragraph or 3).
  • Who you work with (optional, but it’s nice for people to read).
  • Contact details and social media links (share what you want people to see. If you have an Instagram account, but never use it… it’s probably best to not tell people about it).
  • If you have a welcome video – it’s a great way for people to ‘meet’ you.
  • Title – this is displayed below your name in your banner. It’s optional, but a nice way to let people know your focus (ie. It doesn’t have to be an official title. “I help people heal” would be a perfectly good title).

Important notes:

You can update this page as often as you like. 

It is visible to the world, so be aware of what you are sharing.

You don’t need to use your full name or show yourself in your picture – for those who want to be discrete.

We have a focus on search engines – so we recommend using both broad and narrow keywords. Include both Reiki and Sacred Ceremonial Reiki (just as an example) if you offer it.

It’s most effective if your profile is original, and not copied from your web site or profile. The search engines know when something is copied, and it’s far less likely to be prominent in searches.

Promoting yourself with your professional profileYou can edit your profile at any time. The quickest way to access it is from the top menu