Bio / Self introduction
In 1987 I began a career in Social Work that spanned 3 decades walking with those in Hospice, their grieving families, those afflicted with Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairments, as well as those with intellectual challenges. I also worked as a psychiatric therapist while I worked in a hospital.
It was early on in my career, 1990, that I was introduced to Therapeutic Touch as a method to assist Hospice patients with pain relief and terminal restlessness. I would go on to receive certifications in Therapeutic Touch and Reiki, then combined this with my knowledge of crystals, QiGong, intuitive healing and meditation to develop a system she calls Eclectic Energy™. Most recently I completed my training as a Full Mesa Shaman.
It has been my personal, intuitive, hands on practice of energy healing that has had the greatest impact on my life and my path, however. In 1993 after a miscarrying one pregnancy and then a challenging pregnancy, I gave birth prematurely to a daughter. Three months later my daughter was diagnosed with a 'mass in her umbilicus' and surgery was imminent. The plan was to take another image in 30 days to see how fast it was growing to determine if we could wait until she was 6 months older to do the surgery.
As a new mother, I was frantic about doing whatever I could to help my daughter. I pulled out the training I had had three years earlier. If therapeutic touch could help terminal people with their pain, maybe I could use it as a lazer to obliterate the mass. It was 1993, and no one was talking about energy healing the way they do now. It was really just looked at as a 'relaxation' and 'stress reduction' thing.
I simply followed my intuition and every chance I got I flooded her abdomen with healing light. Every diaper change, every bath and every time she fell asleep on my chest, I filled her with light energy.
31 days later we returned to Chicago Children's Memorial Hospital where she'd had her first scans and they repeated the scans. We waited patiently in the room for an hour and a half which had us concerned. Finally, they brought our daughter back and the doctor returned, apologizing for the lengthiness. I still remember his face as he spoke. He said, 'We can't explain it, but the mass is gone. These things don't just go away on their own, but it's gone. And we know it was there because we have the images. We saw it. So, just take your miracle home.'
From then on energy healing has been a part of my daily life, in fact, 15 months later there would be another crisis to remedy. She was 18 months old, breathing rapidly (40x per min we would later be told), and had a temp of 103. She was admitted directly to the pediatric unit where she was diagnosed with pneumonia and given antibiotics. She did not improve. After 3 days she was still not improving and we were told there was nothing else to be done but hope she can fight this on her own. Each day I had been using energy healing as I sat by her bedside, and while she wasn't getting worse, she wasn't getting better either. So I called upon the unseen world for the very first time not realizing then that it was my very first shamanic intervention.
I called upon the healing spirits and saw them line the room around the ceiling. Many of them were cherubs, but there were many others. I asked them to heal my baby as they saw fit and then I laid down next to her crib and fell into a deep sleep.
When I woke my baby was sitting up, bright as a button, smiled and said 'hi Mama!' and I broke down in tears. I called the nurse in and as she was talking to my daughter she said 'Welcome back. We didn't think you were going to make it.'
I have dedicated my path to learning and practicing as many modalities of energy healing as I could possibly get my hands on. Some of these 'new age' techniques are simply repackaged, slightly modified versions of the ancient methods, and therefore lacked authenticity. I didn't want to learn from someone who was taking ownership of 'inventing' a new modality. I wanted to learn from those who shared authentic ancient techniques.
I could not be more grateful for my path and who I have become through the process. I am eager to share with others, not only as a powerful shamanic healer, but also as a teacher.
Skills / Expertise
Who I Work With
I work with those who have a genuine intention to improve their quality and experience of life to heal from trauma, self-sabotage and grief.
As a former therapist, I understand the importance of regular talk therapy, and also know, all too well, it's limitations and failings. I want to offer you something different to those who are truly dedicated to improving their lives.