Welcome friends,
Some of you have asked some great questions this week, especially around working together. They have boiled down to 'what does it cost?' and 'what does it look like / how long does it take?'.
Also - MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Join Us for our next Movie Night
Managing Change
Are you ready to improve your ability to navigate life as a spiritual being?
- How to improve your ability to recognize when change is possible.
- Learn 4 powerful spiritual practices to maximize your creative power.
- Feel the grace of creating the next moment in the NOW.
Sunday, March 3rd at 6:30. Free on zoom, and feel free to invite friends.
And now some resources from Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar Materials
Your Key to Success
Every being is endowed with a certain amount of attention. It appears that this amount varies from individual to individual and also varies in the same individual according to time and circumstances. Compare the condition of your attention after you have been up all night to when you have had a good night's sleep and feel fresh.
How people habitually react to running out of attention determines their success in life.
For example, when attention is exhausted:
- Sometimes people become victims; they react by asserting a disability as an excuse. They succeed by failing.
- Sometimes people give up; they react by criticizing the task. They seldom succeed.
- Sometimes people scheme and seek shortcuts; they react by rationalizing or altering procedures. To succeed, they need accurate instructions and constant supervision.
- Sometimes people become angry or irritable; they react by blaming or joking. To succeed, their responsibility needs to be clearly defined.
- Sometimes people acknowledge the overwhelm without taking it personally; they react by trying again. They succeed.
The best course of action for anyone to take when experiencing exhaustion of attention is to compartmentalize the task into doable steps (prioritized lists) and to work on each step until it is complete or until it can be done correctly and with minimal attention drain. This is the value of practice.
from ReSurfacing®: Techniques for Exploring Consciousness
Free your attention with doable steps
from Awareness: Basic Attention Management
- Make a list of the unfinished projects in which you currently have invested attention.
- Prioritize the projects by the number of times a week that you involuntarily think about them.
- Take the project that you worry about most, and break it down into ten or more doable steps.
This mini-course explores ways in which human attention, the most valuable of all commodities, can be preserved and even restored. |
"My experiences were varied. Crazy, fun, exciting, introspective, enlightening and renewing. It was so freeing to gain the insights about old beliefs, learn where they came from and the ways we can (decide to) look at them from our consciousness. Many old beliefs are now gone, adjusted or reaffirmed. I have decided to create many new beliefs and realities. And I have the tools to address life's constant changes."
- Ray V., USA
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Learn to Live Deliberately
Derek Stottlemyer - Your Avatar Guide
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