Creating an enlightened planet every day

Cooperation and peace are achieved by shifting attention from a conflict to an overarching goal.
...That is the game that we are playing. Our aligning purpose is to contribute to the creation of an Enlightened Planetary Civilization®.

- To create an enlightened planetary civilization, we must overcome primitive urges that once were crucial to the evolutionary path, but are now impediments - anxiety, self-assertion, selfishness, greed, competition, and resentment.
- The path to creating an Enlightened Planetary Civilization requires more deliberate care, more deliberate understanding, and greater personal responsibility.
- The solutions that we have been looking for are: more alignment and cooperation, and more attention on service to others. We need to become connected, caring citizens of planet Earth.
- What a really good world it can be when we take care of each other. To me, this has the feeling of an Enlightened Planetary Civilization.
Can you imagine a civilization where, even if we don't totally love each other, we can trust each other. A civilization that does not reward betrayals or blind loyalty? A civilization that runs on kindness rather than fear.
Maybe you and I will never get there.
But our children will.

Share your smile every day!

Here's an exercise for you to practice for yourself and others :)
Deliberately smile until you feel happy.
Expected Results: Sense of well being
from Ten Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your Life
Simple. Straightforward. Effective

Self-Evolvement with Smiles...
On Zoom or in-person - students say they've never felt as supported as they feel on the Avatar Course.
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