When it comes to creating a life you love, you might not know about how to use your inner magic.  It is probably easier than you think!  

Do you believe in magic?  Would you use it to create more of what you want?   Intuition and inner wisdom are qualities of perception in which I coach clients.  And for creating a life you like, inner wisdom is far more important that learning rules for manifestation.   

To create more of what you want it’s important to recognize  a few of the less obvious but more critical sources of resistance that can create unintended results. 

Many of the teachings about manifestation are meant to be helpful but can be disempowering because they  put us on merry go rounds of self development.  

Life doesn’t give us much time to go within but that’s where the magical gifts are.  There you have a treasure trove of inner wisdom.  You don’t have to fix yourself!  You don’t need to be fixed at all!

Instead, you need to be yourself more fully, which you very likely have not been encouraged to do.

Then, allow your authentic self to be more present.  Your authentic self includes feelings, preferences and your very own awareness as the source being you are!

Sadly, most of us are raised in a way that makes us deeply suspicious of our own authenticity.  But we usually like it in others.  

Many of us think if we’re transparent, people won’t like us /clients will run away / no one will trust us/ we'll be a bad people / the sky will fall…

The biggest and baddest source of confusion what to do with our authentic feelings.   We’re encouraged to deny our feelings, especially when they are negative, and yet ALL feelings play into what you and I create around us all the time.

Instead of resisting feelings, we need to fully feel and experience them and then let them go.

Feelings tell you what you like.  Feelings also tell you where you’re out of alignment, inauthentic, or believe something that doesn’t help you.  Sweep the feelings under the rug and you’ve lost an opportunity.  Besides you’ll trip on them later!

I challenge anyone reading this to experiment with welcoming your feelings about something you want to create.  I can almost promise that as a result, of that acceptance, that creation will start to manifest in your consciousness and beliefs.

Think of something you want to create.  Then get present and pay attention to your feelings about it.  Feel those feelings;  the sad ones, the delighted feelings, the subtle feelings you can barely identify.  Just be feelAl them.  

Sometimes just experiencing feelings releases them.  If not, make a conscious choice to release the feelings in your body, relax them, let them go!

See what happens!

Whether you are using your will or letting divine will create, being authentic avoids or releases a lot of resistance.  Unfortunately, we are taught that such an approach is selfish.

But, if you were divinely created, as you were, then you have a huge endorsement for your authentic expression!  Perhaps you have a responsibility to be your unique self.   Authenticity creates a beautiful alignment of energy and flow.   It's the easiest way to  eliminate resistance.

Also, begin owning  your preferences.  There are plenty of things we are taught that we have to do, or we learn them for our degree, or work at them in a job.  This isn’t all bad because we discover new things all the time.  

However, if you want to bring forth a life you love, creating something that you know will delight you is easier than what you’ve been told to do.   Nothing is more important than your preferences

You want to make friends of people you enjoy being with.

Choose situations that suit your temperament.

There is a higher aspect of being authentic, too, and it that is acting as your higher self.  When you connect to others in the world from the higher self, it adds rocket fuel to your creations 

It is really super fun when  you begin creating and manifesting what you like or when  you create something you have resisted for a while.   Who knew that's the reward for being you?  

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