As it turns out...

There are people out in the world who want to tell me about everything that is wrong. I am not sure what the realization is that they are trying to bring me to. But I am not getting it.
I do not consider that there is anything wrong with the world or the people in the world. They are both still evolving.
Things are what they are.
If you do not like them, you have two choices: change your mind about liking them, or make them better.

Personally, I subscribe to the attitude everything is all right. Do you remember Diana Ross and the Supremes? "Baby, everything is all right, uptight, out of sight. Baaay-bee..."
I have gone through three hurricanes in the last two months. I have had two trees fall through my roof. I sweated off thirty pounds doing physical labor. But hey, I am still humming to myself: "Bay-bee, everything is all right, uptight, out of sight."
If I'm wrong,...well that is all right too. This "all right" attitude connects with the higher self.
Everything is all right.
If the ego-self has doubts (secondaries), they are all right too. "Baaay-bee...."
I want to tell you that you are all right. If I can only convince you of one thing, that is it.
You are all right.

Listen or watch the talk Everything is All Right

Take a little Walk
Expected Results: Calming + Increase in Energy
Take a walk,
notice something,
and decide how you would describe it.
Time: 5+ minutes
from Ten Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your Life
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