Aim for better

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

Believing in something doesn't make it true for everyone. Someone else might believe in something different. But getting into an argument over our beliefs means that we are both being dishonest, because if we were honest, we would both agree that we adopted our beliefs as a solution to, "I don't know."

Here is an Avatar perspective: I don't really know, but I find that believing certain things makes for a better, smoother, and a more enjoyable life. I notice that believing in certain other things causes people suffering and disharmony.

Here is a key question: Is your life better, happier, or safer, if you place your faith in one belief over another belief? Most people say, yes. Believing in certain things makes life better than believing in other things.

'Better' is a criteria that we can use to shape our personal realities.

It takes a lot of experience and wisdom to really determine what is better. Here is a list:

Aim for Better

Smarter is better
Kinder is better
Healthy is better
Forgiving is better
Helping is better
Understanding is better
Compromise is better
Love is better
Compassion is better
Organized is better
Confident is better
Consideration is better
Contributing is better
Happy is better
Satisfaction is better
Friendship is better

Here is another question: Is there justice in the universe?

I don't know, but I would prefer to believe that there is. My life is better believing that.

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Watch the full talk: Path to Personal Responsibility

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