Hope is an Action 

Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar MaterialsOpen Quote

There are two paths that hope can follow. One leads to enlightenment, the other leads to indoctrination and despair. The first path is an active evolution of hope; the second path is a passive disintegration of hope.

The path of hope

The Path of Enlightenment

0. Hope
1. Eager Study
2. Courage
3. Determination
4. Action
5. Source Being
6. Enlightenment (civilized, responsible, spiritual existence)

The path of Dispair

The Path of Despair

0. Hope
-1. Loss of interest
-2. Discouragement
-3. Failure
-4. Delusion
-5. Indoctrination
-6. Socialized Identity (enslaved, manageable, animal consciousness)

Hope is an attitude that things will get better. It is an expectation of success. It is a motivation to get going and to keep going. It is an opportunity. It is a candle that will burn long enough for you to make it to the next candle, but if you don't move, it will burn out and leave you in darkness.

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Read more about these two paths in The Avatar Path 2: Private Lessons

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Try this exercise!

Expected Result: Recovered Energy

Time: 5+ minutes

Pick a frequent worry and outline the sequence of thoughts that lead up to that worry. Deliberately think the thoughts in sequence until the worry fades.


from Ten Actions You Can Do Today to Start Taking Back Your Life


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Topic Keywords
The Avatar Course Self-Evolvement Spiritual Path

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